截至发布时网上的Unity学生认证流程已经基本失效了,Unity不再包含于Github的GitHub Student Developer Pack内,而是改用SheerID进行认证,过程比较奇特,不是仅仅验证一下.edu邮箱就行。
先注册一个Unity ID
先进入Unity Student Plan的页面,选择Post-secondary students。(有一说一这名字很迷惑)
I’ve tried 3 times and failed to pass the student test. I uploaded the tuition receipt this year in Aug 25th but in a Chinese version. I highlighted my full name, my school, my student ID and the date in order to make it clear to those who don’t understand Chinese. But the document itself is official, dated. I’ve tried this for three days and felt tired. I hoped your guys will reconsider my qualification. Thanks.
写完了,但试了整整一个上午都没让我提交。蹦出来一个什么Offer Name不知所云。后来想想支持英文也包括姓名,把Full Name改成拼音提交,遂成。太离谱了。 SheerID的工作人员马上发来邮件进行确认,要我补充进行学生的公司与卡住的流程,回复确认。
I’m applying for the Unity Student plan. And I’m stucked in the uploading a possible document.
in 2021-09-16 10:44:09,Support [email protected] Compose:
Please type your reply above this line.
Thanks for reaching out to SheerID Verification Support. In order for our support team to provide the best assistance, if not already included, please reply with the details below:
- The company name for the offer you are attempting verification
- The stage of the verification process we can help you with
If you haven’t already, you can check our Help Center for potential answers to your question.
Someone from our Verification Support team will follow up as soon as possible. Our teams are working 24/7/365 to respond to requests in the order they are received. We appreciate your patience as we work on your request.
To add additional comments to your request, you may simply reply to this message.
This email is a service from SheerID.
按照Unity发的邮件,下载Unity Hub,还是不要用Visual Studio里的了,版本旧了。
打开Unity Hub,点击用户名,管理订阅中,添加订阅。输入在Unity Student中的序列号,便获得了Professional的激活。
Upd 2022.05.06:
Unity is making important updates to your Student plan. On May 5, 2022, Unity will be discontinuing support for Unity Teams. This change will allow Unity to evolve and continue to improve our solutions in order to better serve you. All existing Student plan users have already been migrated to Unity’s new version control platform, Plastic SCM. This includes five seats and 25 GB of complimentary storage. If this storage limit is exceeded, you will receive an email notification. We recommend that you monitor your usage via your Plastic SCM dashboard. For any questions regarding your Plastic SCM subscription, please contact the Plastic SCM support team at [email protected]. Keep creating, The Unity Education team